The G’s have laid down the gauntlet, and the H’s have stepped up to the plate
Approximately half this team selected itself, but the remaining places were harder to fill.
Well this was harder than we thought. It’s a very Anglo-centric team, with England providing seven players. Yet there were few other candidates from around the world, such is the paucity of eligible, but worthy, players.
Richard Dawson just missed out, unfortunately
With no room for the likes of Michael Carberry and David Capel, the C team must be busting with talent, right?
This team includes some giants of the game; the top six of the batting order would surely accumulate runs by the bucketful.
We select the A-Team. Will Kabir Ali make the final XI?
One day last week during a rain break at the ‘Gabba, someone asked which initial letter produces the best cricketers?