Like George Michael returning for The Final, a former staffer returns from his solo blog in a desperate attempt to resurrect the 51allout’s Andrew Ridgeley-esque stuttering career.
The race is on to spend a summer listening to Peter Moores speak and have Mitchell Johnson wang the ball towards your head at 95mph. Who could resist?!
This was definitely the best ODI we’ve seen so far this month.
Which of the Watchees are off on their jollies to the (allegedly) 14th richest country in the world by GDP?
You lot might have spent all week tucking into dozens of Easter Eggs, but for the England hopefuls it’s been unrelenting cricket all the way. Except for Gary Ballance who did both.
The County Championship rumbles on like a juggernaut. Or maybe more of a Transit van.
Come have a look at some of the men you’ll be berating for scoring too slowly and bowling too short in just a few weeks’ time.
We’ve not looked forward to any series so much since they announced the return of Shooting Stars. And that turned out brilliantly.
It’s Auckland, it’s live, and it’s still 0-0. This will definitely be the best match of the series. Probably.