Needless to say, he didn’t have the last laugh.
The prospect of Matt Prior being injured isn’t making us happy.
Tim Ambrose: not the best looking member of his family.
They haven’t got a clue Charles.
It should be illegal to dislike Matt Prior. His 2007/8 detractors must be so full of humble pie that they’ve exploded by now. We’re looking at you, Michael Henderson.
Alastair Cook, eventually supported by Matt Prior, made England’s last stand in Ahmedabad as a heroic rearguard action took the Test into its final day.
Sitting around all day watching TV and eating cakes/biscuits may cause you to end up as a fatty. Apropos of nothing, let’s talk about Samit Patel.
The two sides traded jabs throughout the day, with neither side able to land the killer blow, either through traditional methods or by biting their opponent’s ear off.