Short of ideas for articles? Lacking in time? Just find some rubbish cricket videos on YouTube! And Lord knows, there are plenty.
51allout investigates when not walking is actually not not walking and is in fact something else entirely instead.
No, that title’s not a reference to the number of close fielders Sir Ian wants at any one time, but instead a rubbish pun on a film from a few years back. The actual article is about looking at English all-rounders. And weeping softly.
Stuart Broad has been having a fine time down under.
To walk or not to walk? Why’s it even a question?
Because sometimes men need to sit around necking gin and talking about what they’ve seen before they attempt to write about it on the internet.
Remember the 2009 Ashes? We remembered some bits of it, but then luckily we were allowed to look at the scorecards before writing 2,000 words about it.
One of the great days of Test cricket. Although we spent most of it sitting around in dressing gowns laughing at Australia, rather than actually paying attention.